20:02 <popey> #startmeeting file manager meeting
20:02 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Aug 26 20:02:17 2014 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
20:02 <meetingology> 
20:02 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
20:03 <popey> So the security settings that Arto worked on have all landed in the image.
20:03 <popey> We've also started the port of that over to the terminal app.
20:04 <CarlosMazieri> That is a good news
20:04 <CarlosMazieri> popey: this time is hard to me to attend the meeting, I am sorry I've missed it recently
20:04 <popey> ok. I'm happy to move it if you let me know a better time.
20:06 <CarlosMazieri> we will start having summer time in October
20:06 <popey> ok, shall I ping you both a mail so we can look for a good time for us all?
20:07 <CarlosMazieri> I think it needs be earlier so acommodate all
20:07 <popey> thats fine by me
20:07 <popey> 2 hours earlier?
20:09 <CarlosMazieri> yea, it is ok until October I think
20:09 <CarlosMazieri> I will be at work, but is OK
20:09 <popey> ok. I'll check with arto.
20:09 <popey> thanks
20:10 <popey> We don't have any specific features we're calling for right now, with the release images coming soon.
20:10 <CarlosMazieri> Thank you
20:10 <popey> However, I know you were looking for suggestions for features to work on for the future.
20:11 <CarlosMazieri> Actually I am looking for smb/cifs sharing
20:11 <popey> File Manager as an SMB/CIFS client?
20:11 <popey> or as a server?
20:12 <CarlosMazieri> client
20:12 <CarlosMazieri> I think file manager should be able to transfer files to another devices
20:12 <popey> yes, I agree.
20:13 <popey> Would you bundle in samba libraries?
20:13 <CarlosMazieri> yes
20:13 <popey> Given we can't add dependencies for click packages.
20:13 <popey> ok.
20:13 <CarlosMazieri> i am looking at it already
20:13 <popey> Ok, great ☻
20:14 <popey> So the use case is to get files off the device and onto a remote server..
20:14 <popey> but obviously can work the other way to copy content to the device.
20:14 <CarlosMazieri> yes, both
20:15 <popey> Hmm. Could this integrate with content hub?
20:15 <popey> So for example an app which wanted to save data to a remote server could save "via" the file manager?
20:15 <popey> if you could expose remote samba mounts via content hub on the device..
20:20 <CarlosMazieri> I am not thinking about content hub, but it can be
20:21 <CarlosMazieri> I will work to get samba shares browse/copy/cut/delete and then it can be moved to content hub
20:21 <popey> The reason I ask is because File Manager has a rather special unconfined status.
20:22 <popey> Where it could be useful to other applications.
20:23 <popey> So for example a "Backup" application could (via file manager) backup all your data to a remote samba share.
20:23 <CarlosMazieri> OK agree, I will talk to Arto as he knows about content hub
20:23 <popey> making the file manager a utility.
20:23 <popey> ok.
20:24 <popey> CarlosMazieri: anything else we need to discuss?
20:25 <CarlosMazieri> No Thank you,
20:25 <CarlosMazieri> just be aware, this development will take time, as again we need to do some redesign
20:27 <popey> Understood.
20:27 <popey> I would like to get some feedback from the desktop guys too.
20:27 <popey> As we're on the "Unity Next" ISO image (using unity 8 and mir on the desktop)
20:27 <CarlosMazieri> about what ?
20:27 <popey> About any particular desktop use cases
20:27 <CarlosMazieri> OK, that is fine
20:27 <CarlosMazieri> another thing
20:28 <CarlosMazieri> we need push notifications for long files copy
20:28 <CarlosMazieri> I need some API for both Desktop and Devices
20:29 <popey> ooh.
20:29 <popey> We have a notifications system. It's used commonly by webapps, but also by the system-settings app to let you know when there's a system update.
20:29 <CarlosMazieri> and from that notifications the user should be able to cancel the Action
20:30 <popey> so we need to notify when there's a problem with the copy?
20:30 <CarlosMazieri> lets suppose you are making a copy of 2G file
20:31 <CarlosMazieri> Desktop has a notification area where they can follow that copy going on
20:31 <CarlosMazieri> and users can also cancel the copy
20:32 <CarlosMazieri> do you understand what I mean ?
20:32 <popey> right, yes.
20:32 <CarlosMazieri> I need to know if there is a common API for Desktop and Devices
20:33 <popey> I don't think we have that yet. Will bring it up.
20:33 <popey> Thanks. I don't think that use case has been considered.
20:33 <popey> or it has, and I just don't know
20:34 <CarlosMazieri> File Manager currently blocks until a copy finishes
20:34 <CarlosMazieri> We need to release the UI so the user can browse other areas
20:34 <popey> we could hide the current operations under the bottom edge
20:35 <CarlosMazieri> meanwhile the user can follow that copy in the notification area and if he wants cancel the copy
20:35 <popey> would be a good easily accessible place for them
20:35 <popey> have you seen the bottom edge in use?
20:35 <CarlosMazieri> I think Nautilus does that
20:35 <CarlosMazieri> I am sure Dolphin does
20:36 <CarlosMazieri> No, I have not
20:36 <popey> here's a couple of example screenshots from the dialer app...
20:36 <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-08-26-213547.png
20:36 <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-08-26-213603.png
20:36 <popey> the tab at the bottom (first screenshot) can be pulled up
20:36 <CarlosMazieri> OK, Thanks, I will take a look on that
20:37 <popey> in the second shot I pulled half way up
20:37 <popey> the current/pending operations could be hidden down there
20:37 <popey> if you swipe up all the way it could show them all
20:37 <popey> at which point you could swipe to cancel one
20:37 <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-08-26-213723.png  like that
20:37 <CarlosMazieri> yes something like that
20:38 <popey> that way you can carry on, and just pull up a small way to see how your copy is going on
20:38 <CarlosMazieri> yes, but we also need to have like a button to cancel the that copy
20:38 <popey> that's what I'd use the swipe for
20:39 <popey> rather than swipe to delete
20:39 <popey> swipe to cancel
20:39 <CarlosMazieri> OK, that is nice
20:40 <CarlosMazieri> please send me that documentation
20:40 <popey> which? ☻
20:40 <popey> The design documentation is "in progress"
20:40 <popey>20:40 <CarlosMazieri> this kind of notification API, where can I find ?
20:40 <popey> I need to find that myself
20:40 <popey> will get what I can and mail you
20:41 <CarlosMazieri> you can send that later, I will not use it right now
20:41 <popey> ok.
20:41 <popey> Anything else to discuss?
20:41 <CarlosMazieri> that is it, thank you
20:41 <popey> great!
20:41 <CarlosMazieri> No
20:41 <popey> thanks CarlosMazieri!
20:41 <popey> It's always great to chat with you. take care.
20:42 <popey> #endmeeting