18:03 <popey> #startmeeting Weather app meeting
18:03 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jul 10 18:03:35 2014 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
18:03 <meetingology> 
18:03 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
18:04 <popey> No update on the API key I'm afraid. I sent a poke email but nothing yet
18:04 <m-b-o> okay
18:05 <m-b-o> I've started to update the tests with the new header
18:05 <popey> Excellent, was going to ask about the new header.
18:06 <m-b-o> try this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/new_header_with_fixed_icons
18:06 <popey> ok
18:06 <m-b-o> has also a fix for icon animations
18:06 <m-b-o> so perhaps balloons can give me a hint about testing with the new header
18:06 * popey pokes balloons
18:07 <balloons> the transition is really simple.
18:07 <m-b-o> StateNotFoundError: Object not found with name '<class 'ubuntuuitoolkit._custom_proxy_objects._toolbar.Toolbar'>'.
18:07 <balloons> inside the qml, set it to false. Inside the testsm change things to call the header.. A couple small tweaks is all you should need
18:08 <m-b-o> the error above is the only one in the tests
18:11 <m-b-o> balloons: is this the current documentation? http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.04/autopilot/emulator/ubuntuuitoolkit.html
18:11 <popey> hmm
18:11 <popey> i cant install that branch for some reason
18:11 <balloons> m-b-o, you can find the latest from here: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/platform/apis/
18:12 <balloons> http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/python/autopilot-emulator/
18:12 <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7776458/
18:12 <m-b-o> balloons: thanks!
18:13 <popey> m-b-o: header looks good on laptop, not sure what's up with the click on my phone
18:13 <balloons> m-b-o, use get_header(), then use click_action_button
18:13 <balloons> it's like a find/replace operation
18:13 <m-b-o> popey: but grey colored buttons, right?
18:14 <m-b-o> balloons: yes. I want to have everything right, until the icon color bug is fixed and we can transition to the new header as fast as possible
18:16 <popey> yes
18:17 <m-b-o> popey: currently installing kit in qtc
18:17 <m-b-o> last time I've tried on the device out from qtc it failed
18:17 <m-b-o> some weeks ago
18:18 <popey> i just used click-buddy --dir foo/
18:18 <popey> then pushed it to the device and installed it with pkcon install-local foo.click
18:20 <m-b-o> popey: do you think there's an error in the weather app?
18:21 <popey> I'm not sure, let me try on another device
18:22 <popey> no, installs fine on my other device
18:22 <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-07-10-192147.png
18:22 <popey> thats what I see on device
18:23 <popey> ooh, found a bug
18:23 <m-b-o> oh
18:23 <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-07-10-192219.png
18:23 <popey> only have one city, press the hamburger icon in the top left
18:23 <popey> empty popup
18:23 <m-b-o> sdk bug
18:24 <popey> yeah
18:24 <popey> will file a bug
18:26 <m-b-o> hmm
18:26 <m-b-o> when I start the app from qtc on the device I get:
18:26 <m-b-o> [20:25:00] Application started: 14296
18:26 <m-b-o> [20:25:03] QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
18:26 <m-b-o> [20:25:03] file:///opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.martin-borho.ubuntu-weather-app/0.1/components/Storage.qml:32: Error:
18:26 <m-b-o> callbacks 0xb3c0f445 0xb3c0f33d
18:26 <popey> oof
18:26 <popey> not seen that before
18:27 <m-b-o> the same thin glike some weeks gao
18:29 <popey> mhall119: have you seen that in qtc? ^
18:30 <m-b-o> popey: and when I do provision with click-buddy I get:
18:30 <m-b-o> Fatal error: /tmp/com.ubuntu.weather_1.1.294_all.click failed to install.
18:30 <m-b-o> Cannot install /tmp/com.ubuntu.weather_1.1.294_all.click: Framework "ubuntu-sdk-14.04-qml-dev2" not present on system (use --force-missing-framework option to override)
18:30 <popey> ah yes
18:30 <popey> you need to fix that
18:31 <popey> ubuntu-sdk-14.04-qml-dev2 should be ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev2
18:31 <popey> i thought I'd fixed that
18:31 <popey> oh balls I didnt propose it
18:32 <popey> https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-weather-app/refix-1336764/+merge/226358
18:32 <m-b-o> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-weather-dev/ubuntu-weather-app/trunk/revision/292
18:32 <popey> yeah, my bad, i "fixed" it then fixed that
18:32 <popey> sorry.
18:33 <m-b-o> no problem
18:33 <mhall119> popey: seen what?
18:34 <popey> the message m-b-o posted at 24 mins past the hour
18:34 <popey> error when using qtc?
18:34 <mhall119> no, havne't seen that, but none of the apps I write use localstorage either
18:34 <popey> ah
18:35 <popey> sorry, i dont know, could be a qtc bug?
18:36 <mhall119> popey: does it give the error running the app outside of qtc?
18:37 <popey> not for me
18:37 <m-b-o> mhall119: it gives the error when running the app on the device.
18:37 <mhall119> is this running it locally from qtc or on a device/emulator from qtc?
18:37 <mhall119> m-b-o: only on the device?
18:37 <m-b-o> yes, only on the device. emulator I dont know
18:38 <mhall119> then it sounds like an apparmor denial, check /var/log/syslog for apparmor messages
18:38 <mhall119> it could be that qtc isn't launching it with the right policy
18:39 <mhall119> IIRC, running it locally on your laptop qtc doesn't put it under confinement, so you wouldn't see that
18:40 <m-b-o> mhall119: Jul 10 20:38:41 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [25787.785316] type=1400 audit(1405017521.045:112): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="com.ubuntu.developer.martin-borho.ubuntu-weather-app_ubuntu-weather-app_0.1" name="/home/phablet/.local/share/com.ubuntu.weather/Databases/34e1e542f2f083ff18f537b07a380071.ini" pid=16247 comm="qmlscene" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=32011 ouid=32011
18:40 <popey> aha
18:42 <popey> lets ask jamie
18:43 <mhall119> I bet it's caused by the mismatch between com.ubuntu.developer.martin-borho.ubuntu-weather-app and com.ubuntu.weather
18:43 <popey> ah, probably
18:44 <m-b-o> oh
18:44 <popey> so yeah, fix that in the packaging tab in qtc
18:48 <popey> did that fix it?
18:48 <m-b-o> yepp :)
18:49 <m-b-o> mhall119 thanks
18:49 <m-b-o> popey: you've said two weeks ago you would publish a new version :)
18:50 <m-b-o> with the detail-hourly-scrolling
18:50 <popey> oh you're right!
18:51 <popey> weather has fallen behind.
18:51 <mhall119> m-b-o: np
18:51 <popey> I'll update the store once  https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-weather-app/refix-1336764/+merge/226358 lands
18:51 <m-b-o> popey: great, thanks! :)
18:51 <popey> sorry about that.
18:51 <m-b-o> no problem
18:52 <popey> Ok. Anything else to discuss?
18:52 <m-b-o> no, waiting for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1317816 to switch to the new header. I'll fix the tests until then
18:54 <popey> awesome!
18:54 <popey> Shall we wrap up?
18:54 <m-b-o> oh, one last thing:
18:54 <popey> ya
18:54 <m-b-o> the links are broken for twc
18:54 <popey> oh jeez
18:55 <m-b-o> the mobile redirect I guess
18:55 <popey> yep
18:55 <popey> same here. I'll ping a mail to our twc contact to get an updated set
18:55 <popey> thanks!
18:55 <popey> (I never click them)
18:56 <m-b-o> I've clicked them accidentally
18:56 <popey> haha
18:57 <m-b-o> ok, nothing left :)
18:57 <popey> great, thanks m-b-o !
18:57 <m-b-o> thank you!
18:57 <popey> will push to the store, and poke twc
18:57 <popey> have a great weekend
18:57 <popey> #endmeeting