13:02 <popey> #startmeeting Trojita app meeting
13:02 <meetingology> Meeting started Fri May  2 13:02:23 2014 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
13:02 <meetingology> 
13:02 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
13:02 <popey> Hi all, how are we this week?
13:02 <popey> Useful link: https://trello.com/b/73rFyG6n/ubuntu-email-client
13:02 <DanChapman> Doing great thanks, and yourself?
13:02 <popey> Good! Glad it's friday! Busy busy! :D
13:03 <gcollura> Hi everybody, sorry if I went missing for some time
13:03 <boren> Hi, gcollura. Glad to have you back.
13:04 <popey> also useful link:- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AofbdH5hl5CbdE1rRmpyd0lWNE1zYXUwc01SNW4yVHc&usp=sharing
13:04 <popey> gcollura: welcome back ☻
13:04 <gcollura> thanks :)
13:05 <popey> DanChapman: would you say the spreadsheet is accurate?
13:05 <popey> looks like we need to move those milestones for one.
13:05 <popey> wow, we get two of you!
13:05 * DanChapman hasn't been keeping the spreadsheet up to date
13:05 <popey> ok. can you do so after the meeting?
13:06 <DanChapman> popey yes i will get that sorted :-)
13:06 <popey> magic
13:06 <popey> So I asked Andrea to reply to questions on the trello.
13:06 <popey> I see there was some activity there.
13:07 <popey> quite a bit...
13:07 <popey> Do we have further design questions (other than the to-do's on the left)?
13:08 <DanChapman> popey yes so we got clarification for the small contact and email icons and they can now be removed since they dont do anything and seem out of place. He is working on a new design for it i believe
13:09 <popey> ok, good.
13:10 <popey> So we have a bunch of items "In progress".
13:10 <DanChapman> My big design want is for the Mailbox view at the moment it's very basic
13:10 <popey> Did you let andrea know this?
13:11 <popey> gcollura: how is the smtp backend work going?
13:11 <DanChapman> I have been trying to catch up with him, on irc. i'll add a note to the trello card and try and dig out his email
13:12 <popey> he's not on irc often, but responds well to email
13:12 <DanChapman> popey: excellent i'll do that then
13:13 <gcollura> popey, I'm implementing the password request dialog, after that the email should be sent correctly *finger crossed*
13:13 <DanChapman> :-D
13:14 <popey>13:14 <mhall119> is anybody able to build Trojita for armhf anymore?  Recent changes to both upstream and the Ubuntu SDK have broken that for me
13:15 <popey> OH HAI mhall119
13:15 <DanChapman> mhall119: hey o/
13:15 <mhall119> o/
13:15 <boren> mhall119: No, I cannot build it either.
13:15 <DanChapman> mhall119: atm i'm having to build it on the device which seems ok.
13:17 <popey> boren: hows the messagelistview coming? Saw an update recently..
13:17 <mhall119> ok, I'll poke zoltan harder to try and get this resolved
13:17 <DanChapman> please please please
13:18 <mhall119> I made some progress doing it manually with "click chroot", but was blocked on Qt5Keychain something or other, which I think is new in upstream
13:19 <DanChapman> So guys on the trello board in the TODO items ive labelled the items I think we should try and tackle over the next week as well as finish of f the current in progress items
13:19 <DanChapman> what's yuour thoughts on those items labelled?
13:20 <DanChapman> mhall119: yes Qt5Keychain can be used as a password plugin if available but it shouldn't sop the build
13:21 <mhall119> it was stopping cmake, but only in the armhf chroot
13:21 <DanChapman> mhall119: oh really... can you file a bug for that please?
13:22 <popey> boren: you around?
13:22 <mhall119> DanChapman: I will once I understand what the bug is and where
13:22 <boren> popey: yeah
13:23 <boren> Danchapman: for Offline Mode settings, what does store forever means?
13:23 <popey> 14:16:56 < popey> boren: hows the messagelistview coming? Saw an update recently..
13:25 <boren> popey: I am still trying to finish the delete function. Not much technical difficulties there. But I need to keep up with the style for a while.
13:25 <mhall119> speaking of delete, DanChapman didn't you encounter a bug with the Ubuntu UI Toolkit around that?
13:25 <popey> ok
13:26 <gcollura> good news everyone: we can now send emails :)
13:26 <mhall119> \o/
13:26 <DanChapman> boren it just means use the sql cache and don't automatically delete anything
13:26 <DanChapman> \o/
13:26 <popey> \o/
13:26 <DanChapman> AWESOME!!
13:26 <boren> \o\
13:26 <DanChapman> /o/
13:27 <mhall119> _o/
13:27 <mhall119> \o_
13:27 <mhall119> /o\
13:27 <gcollura> no attachments yet or replies
13:27 * DanChapman thinks mhall119 wants to be an air steward
13:28 <mhall119> DanChapman: was the sorting fixed on the message list view, so that it shows newest first?
13:29 <DanChapman> mhall119: no i've was going to take another look at that today. It seems to be more than i intitially thought.
13:29 <boren> mhall119: that thing is reverted due to a backend change pushed by jkt.
13:30 <gcollura> replies should take much to be implemented I think
13:30 <DanChapman> mhall119: and for the delete question boren can tell you more about it, i think he filed a bug for it aswell
13:31 <boren> mall119: jkt said, That patch should make sorting easier.
13:31 <mhall119> did it?
13:31 <DanChapman> boren, it should still be getting sorted as the sortOrder is set directly after imapAccess.doCOnnect is called. So sortPreference should be persistent across mailbox's
13:32 <DanChapman> but that doesn't seem to be the case foir the ubuntu client
13:32 <DanChapman> but it works for the desktop gui
13:33 <boren> Oh, I haven't looked into that much. Though jkt had only the backend done.
13:33 <boren> s/Though/Thought
13:33 <popey> mhall119: what makes it build on device but not in an arm chroot?
13:33 <DanChapman> boren it's done in the SettingsTabs.qml
13:33 <popey> seems odd
13:34 <mhall119> popey: I don't know, I don't know enough about compiling, let along cross-compiling
13:34 <popey> ah okay.
13:35 <mhall119> which is why I will be poking zoltan :)
13:35 <popey> noted
13:35 <boren> mhall119: The bug with listitem is that on delete, it first hide and triggers the delete signal. In our case, we don't need to hide it on deletion. We just cross it over.
13:37 <popey> gcollura: So can we expect a push to upstream soon for SMTP settings & mail sending? That would be awesome to see.
13:37 <mhall119> boren: do you have the bug # for that handy?
13:37 <DanChapman> boren ahh yes that's right i remember now, the list item doesn't bother to check if the item was in fact removed from the model
13:37 <gcollura> popey, I'll ask for a review, the code is available here for testing https://github.com/gcollura/trojita/tree/composition
13:37 <popey> ok
13:39 <gcollura> I've updated the trello board
13:39 <popey> k
13:40 <boren> DanChapman, mhall119: Oh, so that is the problem. I got it wrong. Anyway,the bug is filed here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1313134. It may not be accurately described.
13:41 <popey> DanChapman: there's a couple of upcoming items which are marked as needing platform changes
13:42 <popey> DanChapman: is that ubuntu platform, or backend trojita?
13:42 <mhall119> popey: Ubuntu
13:42 <DanChapman> popey: where are we looking?
13:42 <popey> https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AofbdH5hl5CbdE1rRmpyd0lWNE1zYXUwc01SNW4yVHc&usp=drive_web#gid=0
13:42 <DanChapman> ahh thanks
13:42 <popey> have they all been migrated to trello? should I look there instead?
13:43 <mhall119> I put those in the spreadsheet, but not in trello
13:43 <DanChapman> popey i'll add all the rest of the outstanding items to trello when i update the spreadsheet
13:44 <popey> ok
13:44 <DanChapman> Ok so what do we mean by sync regularity settings?
13:44 <popey> So i guess "Control sync regularity from settings" -> Needs platform means "We can't do stuff in the background"?
13:44 <mhall119> yeah, pretty much
13:45 <mhall119> brb
13:45 <popey> hm
13:45 <popey> ok.
13:46 <popey> DanChapman: are there any other things that you guys are blocked on?
13:46 <popey> Other than pending reviews from upstream trojita
13:47 <DanChapman> popey nothing blocking us atm apart from boren's bug for the list item delete behaviour
13:47 <boren> I am pretty bugged by webview for oneMessageView.
13:47 <popey> boren: oh?
13:48 <popey> bugged as in you're finding blocking bugs or "it's hard"? ☻
13:48 <boren> popey: it's hard
13:49 <DanChapman> boren i have an idea to try out with that. I'll give it a go this evening and let you know how it goes
13:50 <boren> Thank you very much, I will tell you the detail later.
13:50 <DanChapman> boren ok brilliant
13:52 <boren> I want to know what I can work on for the next week. I see the new design posted on google plus.
13:53 <popey> Well, there's plenty of to-do in trello..
13:55 <DanChapman> boren i think the setup wizard will only become useful when multi-accounts is supported plus auto-configuration of common providers is going to take a fair bit of backend work
13:55 <popey> there's also the progress indicator bug which might be nice to get sorted
13:55 <DanChapman> which will have to be done for desktop as-well
13:55 <popey> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=333039
13:56 <boren> popey: I will grab that one on trello
13:56 <popey> thanks boren
13:57 <popey> Ok, anything else to discuss?
13:57 <DanChapman> not from me :-)
13:58 <boren> Nope
13:58 <popey> mhall119: will you update trello once you have progress on building?
13:58 <popey> please.
13:59 <popey> ok, lets wrap up then. Thanks guys!
13:59 <popey> have a great weekend!
13:59 <DanChapman> THanks guys, have a great weekend
13:59 <popey> #endmeeting