14:01 <popey> #startmeeting Calendar meeting
14:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Feb 27 14:01:51 2014 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
14:01 <meetingology> 
14:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
14:01 <popey> hi lucasromerodb michelr pkunal-parmar
14:02 <pkunal-parmar> Hi
14:02 <popey> pkunal-parmar: I invited michelr and lucasromerodb to join us, as we have started working on new designs for apps
14:02 <popey> Calendar App links:-
14:02 <popey> Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bugs
14:02 <popey> Reviews: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+activereviews
14:02 <pkunal-parmar> ok
14:02 <popey> Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/coreapps-1404-calendar-dev
14:02 <popey> General Links:-
14:02 <popey> Milestones: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps/+milestones
14:02 <popey> Burndown: http://status.ubuntu.com/coreapps-14.04/
14:02 <popey> Blockers: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Blockers
14:02 <michelr> Hi !
14:03 <lucasromerodb> hi
14:03 <lucasromerodb> Sorry. I'm in a Hangout with Dani. Then I bring some news.
14:04 <pkunal-parmar> popey, can you top approve this MR
14:04 <pkunal-parmar> https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/AllDayEventMR/+merge/204151
14:04 <popey> ok lucasromerodb
14:04 <pkunal-parmar> issue due EDS seems to be resolved now
14:05 <popey> pkunal-parmar: done.
14:05 <popey> Yes, good news!
14:05 <pkunal-parmar> great
14:05 <pkunal-parmar> so last week I was working on YearView performance issue
14:06 <pkunal-parmar> I had to change usage of Date JS object
14:06 <popey> Do you have a merge proposal for that?
14:06 <pkunal-parmar> but I was able to get soomth performace now
14:07 <pkunal-parmar> no there is no MR
14:07 <pkunal-parmar> but i have branch
14:07 <pkunal-parmar> https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/YearView-Optimization
14:07 <pkunal-parmar> this is MR
14:07 <pkunal-parmar> sorry no MR, just branch
14:07 <popey> Excellent, I'll take a look after the meeting.
14:07 <pkunal-parmar> It will break autopilot test case
14:08 <pkunal-parmar> I need to work on those yet
14:08 <popey> ok.
14:10 <pkunal-parmar> I realized now DatePicker is available
14:10 <pkunal-parmar> I will try to use that now, instead of custom picker
14:11 <popey> Awesome.
14:11 <popey> So, we kickstarted the design team last week, and I asked them to focus on Music and Calendar this week..
14:12 <pkunal-parmar> ok, do we have any design ?
14:12 <popey> lucasromerodb: michelr do we have anything to show pkunal-parmar ?
14:12 <michelr> I started with : https://plus.google.com/116969809081987273766/posts/ZnaKeBSZ67h
14:13 <michelr> It's a first draft about calendar management
14:14 <pkunal-parmar> i have seen that but   I think that should go to setting page
14:15 <pkunal-parmar> as such we dont have any setting page till now
14:16 <michelr> the action of show/hide calendar should be on current page, not in settings
14:16 <michelr> adding/removing calendar may be in settings as it's less often used
14:17 <pkunal-parmar> yes, right,  I have separate option for managing calendars in my phone's cal app
14:19 <pkunal-parmar> but when you say current page, you mean it should be available on all pages ?
14:20 <michelr> yes, as it is a filter of all events/tasks
14:21 <pkunal-parmar> it does not seems to be frequently used option, do we really want to allocate permanent space for that option ?
14:22 <michelr> at least, it is a reminder of each calendar color, so I think it's important
14:22 <pkunal-parmar> ok
14:22 <michelr> And on phone, I proposed to have it reduced to one line
14:24 <pkunal-parmar> ok, this reminds me, does account has option to set colors and manage calendar
14:24 <pkunal-parmar> as far a i know, we are not going to offer any option to manage calendars
14:24 <pkunal-parmar> we mean from calendar app
14:24 <popey> define "manage"
14:25 <popey> I mean, we will want to enable/disable displaying of them I think?
14:25 <pkunal-parmar> I mean, set color and add calendar and remove it
14:25 <pkunal-parmar> from EDS backend
14:26 <popey> i dont think the calendar app should add/remove calendars, but merely enable/disable them
14:26 <pkunal-parmar> yes, I agree
14:26 <michelr> But where will they be defined ?
14:26 <popey> In Online Accounts.
14:27 <popey> So from the phone home (dash) a user would go to System Settings -> Online Accounts
14:27 <popey> they'd add multiple Google accounts
14:27 <popey> and those accounts would be accessible to the calendar.
14:27 <popey> The calendar "sees" all of them, but can choose which ones to display, right pkunal-parmar ?
14:27 <popey> s/can/could/
14:27 <michelr> And if i want to have a local caldav server ?
14:28 <popey> we could add an online accounts provider for that
14:28 <pkunal-parmar> I am not sure, I display all events which EDS provides
14:28 <popey> so currently there's providers for facebook, twitter, google, evernote etc
14:28 <popey> there could be "Caldav Provider"
14:28 <popey> but that doesn't exist and would need to be specced out and written
14:28 <pkunal-parmar> I do not differentiate among event source
14:29 <popey> Can you differentiate which calendar it came from though? EDS provides that data, surely?
14:29 <pkunal-parmar> yes, I think QtPIM has API for this
14:30 <pkunal-parmar> but we are not using it yet
14:30 <popey> right, so we'll need to, so we can differentiate between calendars
14:30 <popey> and individually switch them on/off
14:31 <pkunal-parmar> I need to check about switch on/off
14:31 <michelr> Ok , so i understand better the context
14:31 <pkunal-parmar> not sure If I can ask EDS to stop providing data for certain cal
14:32 <popey> pkunal-parmar: I'm not sure we need to stop providing data
14:32 <popey> Actually, scratch that. ☻
14:32 <popey> I thought we could have it so calendar pulls from all calendars and you just switch them on/off and the data instantly appears, because you already have it
14:32 <popey> But that's wasteful
14:33 <pkunal-parmar> I think if we dont need to display then we dont need data in model
14:33 <popey> +1
14:33 <pkunal-parmar> yes, its waste of memory
14:33 <pkunal-parmar> there must be some option in QtPim for this
14:33 <pkunal-parmar> I need to study it
14:33 <michelr> maybe it would be interesting to not delete data immediatly
14:34 <lucasromerodb> Hey guys
14:34 <lucasromerodb> Tendremos muy buenas novedades con las nuevas guias. He quedado maravillado.
14:34 <michelr> if we have a lot of events in one day, then user may just hide one calendar temporaly
14:34 <lucasromerodb> We will have very good news with the new guidelines. I have been amazed.
14:34 <popey>14:36 <pkunal-parmar> michelr, that's nice point, I need to experiment it, how best we can implement it
14:37 <pkunal-parmar> popey, when Online Account is going to be ready ?
14:37 <lucasromerodb> Then write a document in Google Drive telling a little about the visual style that we use.
14:39 <popey> lucasromerodb: great! Look forward to it. When will you be able to do that?
14:39 <popey> pkunal-parmar: what doesn't work?
14:40 <pkunal-parmar> I have not tried anything yet, just asking
14:40 <pkunal-parmar> may be I have old image
14:40 <popey> Oh, I would try it.
14:41 <pkunal-parmar> Which image I should try ?
14:41 <popey> mhall119: which image did you sync calendars with? Did you do it via online accounts?
14:41 <lucasromerodb> popey: Tomorrow or maybe tonight (time here). In a while I go and I will not be. But I assure you that there are things that will change a lot. In the near future the lower bars will not exist as we know them.
14:42 <mhall119> popey: it was a long time ago, I used sync-evolution on the commandline
14:42 <popey> mhall119: ah okay.
14:42 <lucasromerodb> I'm going. Then I read the log.
14:44 <michelr> btw, I just added feedback on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/DesignIssues
14:44 <popey> pkunal-parmar: i would check the current stable image - and let me know what doesn't work, and we can speak to the sdk team.
14:44 <popey> or file bugs as necessary
14:44 <popey> thanks michelr
14:45 <pkunal-parmar> ok
14:45 <michelr> it's just *my* feedback, need confirmation
14:46 <popey> michelr: it's a great start! :D
14:47 <popey> Ok, so michelr can you continue to iterate on that design and look for feedback from pkunal-parmar ?
14:47 <popey> (and the rest of the design team)
14:47 <pkunal-parmar> popey, can you try that YearView branch provide some feedback
14:48 <popey> pkunal-parmar: i will
14:48 <michelr> I'll update the current proposal to handle calendar (only show/hide)
14:48 <pkunal-parmar> ok, great
14:49 <michelr> and continue to investigate how to read/add events in different view modes
14:49 <michelr> pkunal-parmar: if you have some technical constrains, don't hesitate to tell me
14:50 <popey> can you guys share email addresses too, so we can continue the conversation there if needed.
14:50 <pkunal-parmar> sure, we can discuss those if any
14:50 <pkunal-parmar> mine is , pkunal.parmar@gmail.com
14:50 <michelr> renon@mr-consultant.net
14:52 <popey> Great.
14:52 <pkunal-parmar> popey, were you able to find someone to review Key-Navigation MR ?
14:52 <popey> no, it's on my list.
14:52 <popey> I'll take a look right after the meeting
14:52 <popey> sorry about that.
14:52 <pkunal-parmar> ok
14:53 <popey> Busy couple of weeks for everyone, should calm down a bit now MWC has passed
14:53 <pkunal-parmar> no issue , everybody were busy with MWC i heard
14:54 <pkunal-parmar> I was also working on one more optimization
14:54 <pkunal-parmar> loading only visible tab
14:54 <pkunal-parmar> and unloading rest
14:54 <pkunal-parmar> that's in review
14:54 <popey> magic!
14:54 <popey> Nice work pkunal-parmar !
14:55 <pkunal-parmar> thanks
14:55 <popey> Ok, anything else we need to discuss?
14:55 <michelr> one tech question
14:55 <michelr> i done bzr branch calendar on my desktop
14:55 <michelr> when i start app with Qt creator, i can't create event
14:56 <pkunal-parmar> do you see anything on log/console ?
14:56 <michelr> nothing on console
14:57 <pkunal-parmar> BTW what EDS and ubuntu version you are using ?
14:57 <michelr> I mean : clicked on 'add' button, filled the form, validated, and ... nothing
14:57 <michelr> ubuntu 13.10, no idea of EDS version
14:57 <pkunal-parmar> If event is added and saved,  you should see something on timeline
14:58 <michelr> just checked again live and nothing in console
14:59 <popey> hmm, same here
14:59 <michelr> How to know EDS versions ?
14:59 <pkunal-parmar> I think you are missing dependency
14:59 <pkunal-parmar> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily?field.series_filter=saucy
14:59 <pkunal-parmar> let me check mine then
14:59 <pkunal-parmar> I have not added event for a while
15:01 <pkunal-parmar> works for me
15:01 <michelr> So I'll check with dependencies , ok
15:02 <pkunal-parmar> ok
15:04 <popey> Shall we wrap up?
15:04 <michelr> ok
15:04 <popey> #endmeeting