20:00 <popey> #startmeeting Community design team meeting
20:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Feb 18 20:00:44 2014 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
20:00 <meetingology> 
20:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
20:01 <popey> Hi lucasromerodb delsa michelr snwh
20:01 <michelr> Hi
20:01 <lucasromerodb> :D
20:01 <snwh> popey, hello
20:01 <lucasromerodb> ji
20:01 <lucasromerodb> hi
20:02 <popey> Ok, so first of all I wanted to thank you guys for all agreeing to be part of this project!
20:02 <lucasromerodb> I think we all like to collaborate!
20:02 <popey> Great!
20:03 <popey> It's an exciting time for us, with lots to do in the coming months.
20:03 <delsa> hi popey snwh lucasromerodb
20:03 <lucasromerodb> hi.... andrea?
20:03 <delsa> yes :)
20:04 <lucasromerodb> :D
20:04 <popey> For those of you that don't know, I work on the Core Apps project with dpm, mhall119 & balloons. All four of us work for Canonical in the Community Team.
20:05 <lucasromerodb> great
20:05 <delsa> ok :)
20:05 <popey> Right now the team are super busy and super excited as we lead up to some significant announcements about Ubuntu on Phones & Tablets
20:06 <popey> Canonical will have a booth at MWC next week, where we will be showing off Ubuntu on Phones & Tablets to the industry. It's an important time for us.
20:06 <popey> What we're doing is pretty unique.
20:07 <lucasromerodb> yes
20:07 <popey> Collaboration between members of the community and Canonical to bring free software to phones and tablets.
20:08 <popey> So, I hope you've all seen the wiki pages I setup last week with the design user stories?
20:08 <delsa> yes
20:08 <michelr> yes
20:08 <lucasromerodb> yes
20:08 <popey> I expect we will add more stories as time goes on.
20:08 <snwh> Yea
20:08 <lucasromerodb> ok
20:08 <popey> This is just the start, an initial pass through.
20:08 <popey> I welcome feedback! Nothing is set in stone.
20:09 <lucasromerodb> ok
20:09 <popey> We're breaking new ground here, so we need to make sure we keep in contact, communicating effectively.
20:09 <michelr> feedback about modifying or adding use cases ?
20:09 <popey> Both.
20:09 <delsa> we keep in contact for sure ;)
20:09 <popey> We have be careful though. We can't just add a thousand use cases ☻
20:10 <lucasromerodb> jeje ok
20:10 <snwh> or be too specific
20:10 <popey> Indeed!
20:11 <snwh> we could create fake people
20:12 <popey> We have some of those.
20:12 <popey> Personas.
20:12 <snwh> yes
20:12 <popey> I can get the details of them from the Canonical Design team.
20:12 <snwh> that would be lovely
20:12 <popey> I am in the office tomorrow, I'll get them and pass them on.
20:13 <delsa> :)
20:13 <lucasromerodb> good
20:14 <popey> So, we have the wiki for listing what we need to get done, trello for tracking who is donig what, google docs for sharing and reviewing, and IRC for catching up...
20:14 <popey> .. and g+ for promotion ☻
20:14 <delsa> yes :)
20:14 <delsa> g+ is best for promotion
20:14 <popey> Yes, we get a lot of feedback from that.
20:15 <delsa> the mockup I post have so lot of feedback.. that help to make the design better
20:15 <popey> Great.
20:15 <popey> So my first question to you guys, is what can I do for you?
20:15 <popey> Is there anything you need from me?
20:16 <lucasromerodb> I wish I had some things clear.
20:17 <lucasromerodb> We have 10 projects to design. There is a time limit. In principle we are 4 people. Should we divide the work to optimize the time?
20:17 <michelr> Maybe clarify what you expect from us : what, when, what are the limits ? the constraints ?
20:17 <delsa> I think we can collaborate in each project, set the time for each project..
20:17 <popey> Ok. Great question!
20:17 <lucasromerodb> Eg. Delsa can be in charge of design weather app. I also redundant are designing there, however I can contribute with comments.
20:18 <popey> So. The priorities are:-
20:18 <snwh> right. it would be counterproductive if everyone works on the same thing.
20:18 <lucasromerodb> yes snwh
20:19 <lucasromerodb> I propose to divide the work.
20:19 <popey> Reminders, Music, Weather, Calendar, RSS Reader, File Manager, Clock, Calculator.
20:19 <popey> Reminders has a designer from Canonical on it.
20:19 <popey> The others have no designer assigned.
20:20 <popey> The way I see it working is one person works on one app at a time.
20:20 <delsa> it's ok for me
20:20 <popey> However there's going to need to be strong communication between us.
20:20 <popey> So the apps are consistent.
20:20 <lucasromerodb> Personally. I received an email inviting me to D.Planella Reminders design. I have also contributed to the heavily clock application.
20:20 <popey> Great!
20:20 <snwh> i'll take the File Manager I have had some thoughts on it.
20:21 <delsa> I'll take weather and music
20:21 <popey> File manager is near the bottom of the pile really.
20:21 <michelr> yes, we have to be careful about consistency between apps
20:21 <snwh> heh
20:21 <popey> The list I quoted above is roughly in order of priority.
20:21 <popey> With most important first.
20:22 <snwh> wasn't someone working on Music
20:22 <lucasromerodb> can i take the calc?
20:22 <snwh> i recall seeing mockups somewhere
20:22 <popey> Now, having said that, clearly all the applications are special flowers, and need to be taken care of.
20:22 <delsa> music I made the mockup
20:22 <delsa> I think we must made mockup, and discuss every mockup togheter
20:22 <popey> What we are currently missing from all of them is strong, consistent, convergent designs.
20:22 <michelr> I'm lost :-) which has no designer ?
20:23 <popey>20:23 <delsa> to make all app consistent
20:23 <snwh> (we should make use of #ubuntu-design for communication)
20:23 <popey> True.
20:23 <snwh> i think i seen tumbleweeds over there
20:23 <popey> Yes, it's been mostly idle.
20:24 <popey> So... in the short term:-
20:24 <popey> We need:-
20:24 <popey> * Strong, consistent, convergent designs for each of the apps listed as priorities above.
20:24 <lucasromerodb> ok
20:24 <popey> * Good communication, constant review and feedback.
20:25 <snwh> naturally
20:25 <popey> * Review with Canonical design team.
20:25 <delsa> yes popey
20:25 <lucasromerodb> ok
20:25 <popey> I am happy to leave you guys to decide amongst yourselves which application you work on, but you know the priorities from me ☻
20:25 <michelr> * Review with Canonical design team will be don with Trello ?
20:26 <lucasromerodb> Are these designs are to present at the MWC?
20:26 <snwh> MWC is in 5 days ;)
20:26 <lucasromerodb> oh shit
20:26 <popey> Yeah, we can't really get anything done for MWC, we're wrapping up for that.
20:26 <popey> Yes! Oh shit!
20:26 <lucasromerodb> I thought it was in March.
20:26 <delsa> lol
20:26 <popey> I will setup regular review with canonical design
20:27 <popey> I will regularly be in the office in london where they are based
20:27 <popey> and will go through the designs.
20:27 <popey> We could also have a regular Google hangout, if we can get a time that fits everyone.
20:27 <lucasromerodb> Hay Algo Que no entiendo.
20:27 <lucasromerodb> oh sorry
20:27 <lucasromerodb> There's something I do not understand.
20:27 <popey> This worked well last cycle.
20:28 <popey> lucasromerodb:  Yes?
20:29 <michelr> When we send a design, what must it contain ?
20:29 <michelr> graphics ? text ? long explanations ?
20:30 <lucasromerodb> David Planella has said that work on the cnvergencia. That we focus on the tablet. Do not waste current designs. However I am convinced that there are some designs that require a complete redesign. Designs long term. What do we do?
20:30 <lucasromerodb> and... when?
20:30 <snwh> presumably the target is the end of the 14.04 cycle
20:31 <michelr> What level of detail does Canonical Design Team expect ?
20:31 <popey> michelr: That really depends.
20:32 <michelr> So can we consider than more information is better than less ?
20:32 <lucasromerodb> ??
20:32 <popey> Ideally yes.
20:32 <delsa> ok
20:33 <snwh> within reason, of course
20:33 <popey> lucasromerodb: I agree with David. For now, we're focused on convergence of existing design.
20:33 <popey> Indeed, enough information to get the message across.
20:33 <snwh> we can still iterate on existing designs
20:33 <lucasromerodb> I trust that we can prepare good designs before 14.04 but I think long term things could be better.
20:33 <popey> lucasromerodb: I agree with you that some of our apps need a full redesign.
20:33 <snwh> there's probably not enough time to realistically overhaul a bunch of apps
20:33 <popey> +1
20:34 <snwh> that can be done in 14.10
20:34 <delsa> +1
20:34 <popey> What's also worth noting is that we are going to get new patterns very soon
20:34 <snwh> that too
20:34 <popey> The Canonical Design Team have been working hard on the header and the bottom toolbar.
20:34 <michelr> Oh the new 'back' button !?
20:34 <popey> heh
20:34 <snwh> my assumption has been that what we're doing is refinement of the existing designs for the upcoming release
20:34 <delsa> I'm too curious
20:34 <michelr> :-)
20:34 <lucasromerodb> great!
20:34 <popey> There has been a lot of user testing, and feedback from users has been used to create new patterns.
20:35 <popey> It's in review at the moment.
20:35 <snwh> awesome possum
20:35 <popey> But! The important thing I want to get across...
20:35 <popey> I don't want you guys to "waste time" completely redesigning apps when this new stuff from Canonical is coming soon.
20:35 <snwh> I understand
20:35 <popey> Because you may end up having to re-do it again
20:36 <delsa> sure..
20:36 <popey> And I don't want to get you guys upset that your lovingly created designs are wasted.
20:36 <snwh> this new stuff? for 14.04?
20:36 <popey> I don't know when it will hit.
20:36 <snwh> hmm
20:36 <lucasromerodb> If it seems good. I just wanted to be sure we have to do. Just to save time.
20:36 <popey> But I know the blog posts are being prepared, and the SDK team are working on it.
20:36 <delsa> so.. now we must refine apps?
20:37 <popey> So for now, we refine the existing apps, ensure the tablet experience is brilliant.
20:37 <popey> I realise this may be frustrating!
20:37 <popey> I'm sure you all want to see the new patterns ☻
20:37 <delsa> yes :D
20:37 * snwh has patience ;)
20:37 <popey> When you see it, I can't wait to see your new designs based on it, I *know* you'll do great things with it.
20:38 <delsa> +1
20:38 <delsa> we do the best we can
20:38 <popey> Ok.
20:38 <lucasromerodb> Great!
20:38 <popey> So. Can you guys sort out amongst yourselves which apps you will work on?
20:38 <snwh> the goal is straightforward (as I see): resist the urge to overhaul existing designs, and simply embetter them for tablets.
20:39 <popey> +1000
20:39 <michelr> Well we all started to work on 'weather' !
20:39 <michelr> :-)
20:39 <lucasromerodb> +1001
20:39 <popey> Yes!
20:39 * snwh has been doing icons for ages
20:39 <snwh> i've been letting everyone else do mockups
20:39 <popey> Any other questions?
20:40 <delsa> not by me
20:40 <popey> If you get questions later, feel free to ping me, or email me. That's all good.
20:40 <michelr> For the tablet experience ?
20:40 <michelr> How would you define it in few words ?
20:40 <michelr> what should be our goal ?
20:41 <snwh> convergence
20:41 <snwh> ;)
20:41 <delsa> usability
20:41 <lucasromerodb> yeah
20:41 <popey> Beautiful. Convergent. Robust. Consistent.
20:41 <michelr> yeah, but more screen space means more information ?
20:41 <snwh> not necessarily
20:41 <popey> Well, different layouts for example.
20:41 <delsa> less is better... in much of design
20:41 <lucasromerodb> For that we are designers.
20:42 <popey> Different ways to access the same data.
20:42 <snwh> or better display of content
20:42 <lucasromerodb> Apps from other platforms to analyze.
20:42 <michelr> Clock is a good example : only one clock in a tablet screen ?
20:43 <lucasromerodb> nop
20:43 <popey>20:43 <popey> I leave that to you.
20:43 <delsa> thanks popey
20:43 <lucasromerodb> If you look at the models of the fourth proposal you will notice it.
20:43 <snwh> which is where?
20:44 <lucasromerodb> google drive
20:44 <lucasromerodb> clock app
20:44 <popey> I see nothing in the clock folder.
20:44 <snwh> me either
20:44 <lucasromerodb> shit. It is no longer
20:44 <lucasromerodb> then i upgrade
20:45 <lucasromerodb> wel... my english is bad
20:45 <delsa> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GVDuiTD7F5K3vL_IYets_8SsqTS3PebCNArqvEuvaME/edit?usp=drive_web
20:45 <lucasromerodb> yes
20:45 <lucasromerodb> If you look. In the tablet are 5 watches.
20:46 <snwh> i have to disappear for ~20 minutes
20:47 <snwh> if this continues in another place do ping me
20:47 <popey> We will wrap up soon.
20:47 <delsa> see u later snwh
20:47 <popey> Thanks snwh
20:47 * snwh is always on IRC
20:47 <lucasromerodb> bye
20:47 <michelr> bye
20:47 <popey> Ok. Any final questions before we wrap up? Anything not clear?
20:47 <lucasromerodb> not for me
20:48 <michelr> ok for me
20:48 <popey> delsa: all good?
20:48 <delsa> all good popey ;)
20:49 <popey> Awesome.
20:49 <popey> Ok. Lets wrap up there.
20:49 <popey> Thanks again guys! Keep in touch!
20:49 <snwh> right. what irc channel do we want to use for further discussion?
20:49 <popey> #ubuntu-design
20:49 <delsa> ok
20:49 <snwh> cool
20:49 <delsa> I'm on #ubuntu-design
20:49 <lucasromerodb> ok
20:49 <popey> Buenas noches
20:50 <lucasromerodb> Buenas noches!
20:50 <delsa> buona notte popey
20:50 <lucasromerodb> aqui aún es de día
20:50 <popey> #endmeeting