21:03 <popey> #startmeeting File Manager meeting
21:03 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Feb  4 21:03:54 2014 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
21:03 <meetingology> 
21:03 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
21:04 <ajalkane_> CarlosMazieri: I saw one of your merge commits... I can try for now to review your merge requests, but I can only do cursory look over (ie. no compilation)
21:04 <popey> File Manager App links:-
21:04 <popey> Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bugs
21:04 <popey> Reviews: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+activereviews
21:04 <popey> Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/coreapps-1404-filemanager-dev
21:04 <popey> General Links:-
21:04 <popey> Milestones: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps/+milestones
21:04 <popey> Burndown: http://status.ubuntu.com/coreapps-14.04/
21:04 <popey> Blockers: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Blockers
21:04 <iBelieve> popey, do we have a burndown specifically for File Manager?
21:04 <popey> see above
21:05 <iBelieve> popey, that's for all the apps combined. Last cycle we had one just for File Manager items
21:05 <iBelieve> popey, not a big deal, I was just wondering.
21:06 <popey> yeah, it can't. i can do it per team
21:06 <popey> but not per project
21:06 <popey> but it covers all items for all members of the team, even if they aren't related to this app
21:06 <iBelieve> popey, ah ok. thanks for clarifying
21:07 <popey> Hows it going?
21:08 <popey> CarlosMazieri: has there been any progress on integrating with content-hub?
21:08 <iBelieve> popey, busy. Though I had some time yesterday to reply to lots of comments on OMG Ubuntu's post about the Ubuntu File Manager.
21:08 <CarlosMazieri> I will provide the selection (multi/single)
21:08 <ajalkane_> Regarding Content-Hub, I'm still prototyping. There's changes in the SDK coming that will help (buttons in header). Also Carlos's selection changes will be good
21:09 <popey> sorry, ajalkane_
21:09 <iBelieve> popey, did you find out when the icon set will be available?
21:09 <popey> iBelieve: no reply, will poke again
21:09 <iBelieve> popey, okay, thanks
21:10 <ajalkane_> Until the SDK changes land, I'm aiming at getting some quick-and-dirty working. The emulator is a pain in the ass as it's so slow, but it should be ok to test it
21:11 <popey> quick and dirty would be good for people to test against.
21:11 <popey> It would be good for other app developers to be able to test pulling a file from content hub via file manager
21:11 <CarlosMazieri> popey: the emulator does not work for me (13.10) ERROR:
21:11 <CarlosMazieri> SDL init failure, reason is: No available video device
21:11 <popey> is there anything kenvandine can do to help?
21:11 <CarlosMazieri> exit status 1
21:12 <popey> CarlosMazieri: is that using the "ubuntu-emulator" package?
21:12 <ajalkane_> Ok... I hope that I have something working during this week. Just need to do testing and fine-tuning in emulator
21:12 <popey> great, i can test on device if you need that.
21:12 <CarlosMazieri> I installed from David Panella intructions downloading deb packages
21:13 <ajalkane_> I've already chatted with kevandine... and no doubt I will have to again.
21:13 <kenvandine> ajalkane_, anytime!
21:13 <popey> CarlosMazieri: sounds like DISPLAY variable isn't set.. are you firing up the emulator remotely?
21:13 <ajalkane_> thanks :)
21:14 <CarlosMazieri> It was an attempt outside X, inside X it closes the X
21:15 <popey> erk
21:15 <ajalkane_> For what's it worth, 14.04 works fine for me... I was hesitant updating to testing version, but it's been stable for developing
21:16 <popey> CarlosMazieri: do you have an odd multi-display setup?
21:16 <popey> dpm: is running it here on 13.10
21:16 <popey> ajalkane_: good to hear
21:16 <popey> i updated to 14.04 a while back and it's been fine for me
21:16 <popey> YMMV ☻
21:16 <CarlosMazieri> I am using Mint 16 KDE
21:17 <popey> hmm. don't know why that would be different
21:17 <iBelieve> What do you guys think about having a shared Trello board to track ideas and other things? I know the Clock team has one and I have a personal one, so I thought it might be a good idea for us all to share one.
21:18 <popey> i like that idea. we use trello heavily.
21:18 <popey> so long as it's updated ☻
21:18 <iBelieve> popey, ok great! I'll set it up and share it with all of you.
21:18 <ajalkane_> I don't know Trello, but if it's good for this kind of stuff why not
21:19 <popey> thanks iBelieve
21:19 <CarlosMazieri> This is the first time I hear something about Trello
21:19 <iBelieve> ajalkane_, here's the Clock app: https://trello.com/b/S19UV2UG/ubuntu-clock-app
21:19 <ajalkane_> What about the feature requests on ubuntu-desktop, should they be collected there?
21:19 <popey> iBelieve: @alanpope is my id on trello i think
21:19 <popey> ajalkane_: i think that's still an ongoing discussion for now
21:19 <popey> I dont think its a priority
21:19 <iBelieve> ajalkane_, you mean the mailing list message? I was never CC'd on that, so I haven't seen much about it
21:20 <popey> I think that mail has been *somewhat* misunderstood ☻
21:20 <popey> and conflated to "They're replacing nautilus tomorrow!"
21:20 <ajalkane_> Uh, I hope so
21:20 <popey> It was just Olli wanting to get the conversation started about what kind of things people want/need in a file manager app
21:20 <ajalkane_> The thing is the original mail was from canonical employee and I misconstrued it like that also
21:21 <iBelieve> popey, I hope that happens, though it probably won't be for a while
21:21 <popey> but we will ship 14.04 (and probably 14.10) with Unity 7, X and the other usual crowd of apps. This isn't super priority for now ☻
21:21 <popey> ajalkane_: yes, sorry about that.
21:22 <iBelieve> popey, so is Unity 8 on the desktop not likely by 14.10?
21:23 <popey> I think it's more likely to be later.
21:23 <ajalkane_> I hope nautilus is replaced only when FM is at least as good as nautilus. Otherwise it's just backlash against the changes. But regarding convergence, if user has FM open in phone/tablet and docks, of course it makes sense to have it available in desktop
21:23 <popey> but its not decided yet
21:23 <popey> +1 completely ajalkane_
21:23 <popey> The desktop team absolutely wouldn't consider replacing *any* app if it resulted in a worse experience.
21:23 <popey> there's way too much on the line for us to do that
21:23 <iBelieve> popey, that's to bad, but only because I really like what I've seen on the phone and can't wait to see it on the desktop :)
21:23 <popey> me too!
21:24 <ajalkane_> That's good to hear. I was about to answer there about my worries, but good that it's already known worry :)
21:24 <popey> Something else to consider in the shorter term.
21:24 <popey> We're demonstrating things at MWC which is 24-27 of this month.
21:25 <popey> That week we also plan to do another app dev contest
21:25 <popey> To get more apps for Ubuntu Touch, and get some more Ubuntu Touch developers
21:25 <popey> which also has the side-effect of helping test the emulator and sdk
21:26 <popey> Now, it might be that people want to create apps which will want to pull data via content hub
21:26 <popey> e.g. a photo manipulation app, or sound board app
21:26 <iBelieve> ajalkane_, CarlosMazieri can you give me your email addresses so I can invite you to Trello (in a private message if you want)?
21:26 <popey> So if we had a "quick and dirty" content hub integration working for then in the file manager that could increase the possibilities for app developers
21:26 <ajalkane_> iBelieve: ajalkane@gmail.com
21:27 <CarlosMazieri> iBelieve: carlos.mazieri@gmail.com
21:28 <popey> iBelieve: thanks for setting that up
21:28 <iBelieve> ajalkane_, CarlosMazieri thanks
21:28 <ajalkane_> popey: I think it's likely working in that timeframe, even if it might look a bit ugly
21:28 <popey> Ugly is good.
21:28 <popey> It gives designers something to do ☻
21:28 <ajalkane_> hehe yeah
21:29 <ajalkane_> I have the basic code working, just have to put the bolts in place for Content-Hub integration
21:30 <popey> CarlosMazieri: just seen dpm has booted the emulator on 13.10 - I'd be interested to debug the issue you're seeing. Does X completely crash?
21:30 <popey> ajalkane_: awesome, thanks!
21:30 <CarlosMazieri> YES
21:30 <CarlosMazieri> I will collect some logs and send that to you.
21:31 <popey> CarlosMazieri: great! thanks.
21:31 <ajalkane_> popey: is there any timeline on the SDK changes? Regarding Content-Hub I'm most interested in the "buttons in header"
21:31 <popey> CarlosMazieri: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging may also be useful, has some guides to getting the right logs
21:31 <popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing specifically
21:32 <popey> ajalkane_: i dont have a timeline, its being discussed right now. did you see the mail I sent out earlier today?
21:32 <popey> timp is the person to poke directly if you want a status update.
21:33 <ajalkane_> popey: yeah, your e-mail gave me the reason for hoping a clean solution for the file selector :)
21:33 <iBelieve> popey, are you able/allowed to tell us what Compact widgets bug is about?
21:33 <iBelieve> popey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1276173
21:34 <ajalkane_> kenvandine: do you have a quick idea about this error:
21:34 <ajalkane_> QObject* qml_content_hub(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*)
21:34 <ajalkane_> QmlImportExportHandler::QmlImportExportHandler(QObject*)
21:34 <ajalkane_> virtual void com::ubuntu::content::Hub::register_import_export_handler(com::ubuntu::content::ImportExportHandler*)
21:34 <ajalkane_> APP_ID isn't set, the handler can not be registered
21:35 <kenvandine> ajalkane_, because it isn't being started with upstart-app-launch
21:35 <popey> ok
21:35 <kenvandine> i know it makes it harder to test locally...
21:35 <popey> i just went and found timp
21:35 <ajalkane_> kenvandine: okay, so just a problem in desktop.
21:35 <kenvandine> ajalkane_, if you build a click package you can more easily test
21:35 <popey> he said he's working on it a bit this week, then vacation next week and hopes to finish off in the next two weeks after that
21:36 <popey> (top bar changes)
21:36 <popey> however this change (getting rid of the bottom toolbar) is going to break things like autopilot tests
21:36 <kenvandine> ajalkane_,  which works much better on the desktop with a version of upstart-app-launch that hasn't landed yet :/
21:36 <popey> so we're looking a good month
21:36 <ajalkane_> kenvandine: can click packages be tested on desktop or is emulator needed?
21:36 <ajalkane_> ah okay
21:36 <kenvandine> ajalkane_, keep an eye out for a new update for upstart-app-launch
21:37 <popey> iBelieve: bug 1276173 is about spacing and layout in widgets
21:37 <popey> ajalkane_: i dont think click packages on desktop are officially supported yet
21:37 <popey> they may work, but it's not guaranteed
21:38 <iBelieve> popey, ah, okay. Thanks for explaining. I saw it come in this morning and was wondering what it was about.
21:38 <popey> iBelieve: yeah, i dont know all the details yet, look out for some blog posts soon
21:39 * iBelieve is excited :)
21:39 <popey> me too!
21:39 <ajalkane_> iBelieve: do you have problems with your branch in "phone" mode (ie. not wideAspect) ?
21:40 <iBelieve> ajalkane_, I don't know - why?
21:40 <ajalkane_> For example if I go to a folder,  I can't come up from it
21:41 <CarlosMazieri> I need to leave, I am sorry. Thanks All.
21:41 <popey> thanks CarlosMazieri
21:41 <ajalkane_> cya CarlosMazieri
21:41 <iBelieve> ajalkane_, well, as the branch is named, it's about desktop features. Sounds like I need to make sure it works on the phone size as well :)
21:41 <iBelieve> thanks CarlosMazieri
21:43 <popey> ok. Do we have anything else to discuss? Any other questions?
21:43 <ajalkane_> kenvandine: is it "as expected" that ContentItem creation doesn't quite work on desktop?
21:44 <ajalkane_> I create ContentItem like in example but can't assign the url to it
21:44 <kenvandine> ajalkane_, it should work...
21:44 <kenvandine> ajalkane_, pastebin please
21:45 <iBelieve> popey, ajalkane_ I've started pulling in ideas I've seen on OMG Ubuntu into our Trello board. There we can discuss the importance & worth of ideas and go from there. The board is here: https://trello.com/b/K2kdOXuh/ubuntu-file-manager
21:47 <ajalkane_> kenvandine: okay thanks... I think it's my own error in code
21:47 <ajalkane_> iBelieve: ok cool, thanks
21:48 <ajalkane_> No questions for me. Except if there was any luck getting testing devices?
21:49 <popey> Unfortunately not.
21:49 <ajalkane_> Okay, thanks for trying. The emulator is a sever slow-mole pain in the ass, but at least it works :)
21:49 <popey> i believe there's some fixes to speed it up
21:49 <popey> but not magic bullet
21:49 <popey> however... the good news
21:50 <popey> I hear there is work on an x86 image
21:50 <ajalkane_> That should do wonders
21:50 <popey> which will be waaaay faster with VT extensions
21:50 <popey> yeah. should be soon.
21:51 <popey> Ok. Shall we wrap up?
21:51 <ajalkane_> Yes
21:51 <popey> Great! Thanks guys!
21:51 <popey> #endmeeting