20:02:14 <popey> #startmeeting Ubuntu Touch File Manager App Meeting
20:02:14 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Apr  4 20:02:14 2013 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
20:02:14 <meetingology> 
20:02:14 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
20:02:18 <popey> hi ajalkane
20:02:23 <ajalkane> howdy popey
20:04:10 <popey> we clearly need to find more work for you guys to do..
20:04:20 <popey> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/initial-filemanager-development  is all DONE for this month!
20:04:49 <CarlosMazieri> we are good ...
20:05:27 <ajalkane> There's plenty of things to do, like multi-select files, and assorted file operations, but if you have some priorities for what needs to be done that'd be good
20:06:24 <ajalkane> Oh yes, I seem to have forgotten to update my INPROGRESS items to DONE :(
20:06:35 <CarlosMazieri> ajalkane:  could you test new plugin interface copy/cut/paste ?
20:06:54 <popey> oh, good, I like seeing titems moving to DONE
20:07:03 <ajalkane> CarlosMazieri: yes of course. Has the changes from my branch been incorporated?
20:07:30 <CarlosMazieri> yes, all them, you need to get my last branch version, I have not sent the mail out
20:07:34 <ajalkane> If they've been merged I can start working on QML UI for them. I'm going to do that anyway next week
20:07:42 <ajalkane> Ok great
20:07:45 <CarlosMazieri> also, I applied all the patches from main branch
20:07:57 <popey> i get an error when i try to go "up" a directory
20:08:18 <ajalkane> popey: yes, the deb package and the UI are not in sync
20:08:26 <CarlosMazieri> You need the last plugin version
20:08:30 <popey> ah
20:08:32 <ajalkane> But actually after comments from upstream, they probably will be in sync
20:08:50 <CarlosMazieri> which comments?
20:09:05 <popey> the toolbar at the bottom stays up too
20:09:06 <CarlosMazieri> the last version is on my owen branch
20:09:11 <popey> so the last file name is obscured
20:09:14 <mhall119> CarlosMazieri: I have a work item to get the plugin package updated
20:09:17 <ajalkane> CarlosMazieri: about parentPath being Q_INVOKABLE or property. They prefer property after all, but it's not merged yet upstream
20:09:27 <mhall119> I need to know where the code is you guys are working on, and where it's upstream it
20:09:28 <CarlosMazieri> OK, get from my own branch
20:09:30 <mhall119> is
20:09:45 <CarlosMazieri> it has all the changes
20:09:50 <ajalkane> mhall119: upstream is https://github.com/nemomobile/nemo-qml-plugins
20:10:24 <mhall119> and you guys are just using a branch off of that?
20:11:23 <ajalkane> Current UI is based on my branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ajalkane/ubuntu-filemanager-app/qml-folderlistmodel
20:11:55 <mhall119> ajalkane: is that a branch of upstream, or just a subset of upstream?
20:12:02 <ajalkane> So no, upstream is not up-to-date. I'm working on getting changes there, and once they're accepted I update my branch
20:12:02 <CarlosMazieri> ajalkane:  I think the version I merged parentPath() is property, I think I have also merged from your last branch version
20:12:21 <ajalkane> mhall119: just a subset, only folderlist, not all plugins
20:12:45 <mhall119> so, so there's no easy way to update from upstream and re-build our package, we would need to cut out a part of upstream and package that?
20:12:52 <mhall119> popey: is that what timo did?
20:13:03 <ajalkane> CarlosMazieri: Then you have several weeks old version, but having it as property is ok as that's what it looks to be like. My only worry is that you don't have my awaitingResults fixes
20:13:39 <ajalkane> mhall119: Correct. The procedure probably needs to be refined. I think Timo took upstream, and made some patches that has our changes.
20:13:49 <CarlosMazieri> mhall119:  in my branch there is also a regression test for the plugin, two in fact, but one is the regression, other is C++ ui
20:13:55 <popey> mhall119: timo took whatever was in ajalkane's branch I believe
20:14:00 <ajalkane> mhall119: also as you volunteered for merge reviews, I put you as approver for my latest changes
20:14:21 <mhall119> ajalkane: ok, I'll take a look
20:14:24 <ajalkane> popey: He took upstream's repo, and applied as patches what was changed in my repos
20:14:30 <popey> ah
20:14:49 <ajalkane> And my repo had only subset of Nemo's plugin repo
20:14:52 <mhall119> if that's the case, then auto-packaging new upstreams should be easier
20:15:11 <ajalkane> He also altered it a bit so that only the plugin we need is built, as the others probably don't build on Qt5
20:15:20 <mhall119> oh....
20:15:24 <mhall119> so maybe not easier
20:15:55 <popey> do we really want to pull from upstream that often?
20:15:57 <ajalkane> I think Timo's approach is the sanest. Base on upstream, minimal patches to apply our changes on top of it
20:16:38 <ajalkane> Because we anyway want to push our changes to folderlistmodel upstream
20:16:51 <ajalkane> It's just a bit slow process
20:17:48 <mhall119> I'll ask around, maybe one of the distro guys has a better way of keeping things up to date with minimal effort
20:18:26 <ajalkane> Thanks... because I have no idea what's the correct procedure in this
20:19:23 <popey> on an unrelated note.. I wanted to mention the rather nice burndown chart we now have http://status.ubuntu.com/coreapps-13.10/
20:19:28 <popey> mhall119: has blogged about this today
20:19:35 <popey> http://mhall119.com/2013/04/core-apps-road-to-october/
20:20:02 <popey> worth a look, and your DONE items are contributing greatly to keeping us heading in the right direction
20:20:26 <popey> are there any blockers or other issues which we need to address?
20:21:40 <ajalkane> At the moment I can't think of any blockers. We've got plenty of work during this month, merging Carlos's and my changes, implementing the UI for file operations Carlos has added
20:22:32 <popey> thats really great news. I'm really happy with the progress so far, and want to make sure we can get any blockers sorted for you
20:24:19 <ajalkane> Thanks... one question... was it that month-0 is may and month-1 is april and so forth?
20:24:31 <popey> good question
20:24:35 <popey> there is a table, one mo
20:24:42 <popey> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/coreapps-13.10
20:24:46 <popey> thats got the milestone dates on
20:24:58 <popey> basically middle of each month
20:25:23 <ajalkane> Ok great, thanks
20:26:56 <popey> ok, if there's nothing else, keep doing what you're doing, and let us know if you get any issues. You know here to find us!
20:27:08 <popey> #endmeeting